A gravity drain transports liquids by means of the force of gravity, and is sometimes called a downspout.
It usually consists of a vertical pipe sloping down from roof gutters into either a sump or a dry well. The liquid is then collected in a container at the base of the drain and discharged into an open drain, sewer, septic system, or receiving water body such as a stream or river. A subsurface drainage system consists of perforated pipe which conveys soil water to a depth where it will not enter the structure, and is discharged to a suitable location away from the building. A drainfield consists of one or more seepage trenches on undisturbed soil, which are either gradually sloped or stepped so that water can flow down into them naturally. Traditionally this system has used only gravity to let water flow through drainpipes to one or more septic tanks. However, it is now common for the liquid to flow through a leachfield consisting of perforated pipe placed on the ground surface, covered with gravel and then topsoil. Drainage Installations in GeelongWe install sump pumps, french drains, backwater valves, or any type of drainage system that you might need. Proper drainage helps ensure that your finished project will always be dry and attractive, and we can help you determine what type of system would work best for your property.
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